Antonio Míguez Amil

Camiño da Barca, 2-4,32400 Ribadavia, Ourense, España

Notable Producers
All - DO Ribeiro
Antonio Míguez Amil is a colleiteiro, a small grower working entirely with grapes he grows himself in DO Ribeiro. He comes from a family of winemakers who—as was common in the 20th century—sold to merchants in Galicia’s cities who mixed many different growers’ wines together and sold it as generic “Ribeiro.” His father died when Antonio was eight, and he grew up in the vineyard under the tutelage of his uncle, learning to prune and graft and absorbing the knowledge passed down from previous generations. Later, he left the vineyard and went to work in tourism. In 2007, he began to buy up parcels of vines, and in 2016, he made the first wine under the label “Boas Vides,” or “Good Vines.” He now makes two red wines, uncommon in Ribeiro, as well as a Viño Tostado, the traditional sweet wine made from raisined grapes.
Flagship Wines
Antonio Miguez Amil Boasvides
Antonio Miguez Amil Boas Vides Baixo Terra Tinto
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