Valencia Producer Guide

Bobal and Monastrell reign supreme for red wines made from Valencia’s three DOs. Unique to this region is the ancient Fondillón wine made in a rancio style from overripe Monastrell grapes, often aged for years in giant old solera systems. DO Utiel-Requena specializes in the indigenous Bobal, producing powerful, tannic reds. Valencia boasts four Vino de Pago designations – a testament to the ever-increasing quality of these appellations.

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Notable Producers
DO Alicante
El Sequé
Enrique Mendoza
Gutiérrez de la Vega
Primitivo Quiles
DO Utiel-Requena
Dominio de la Vega
Pago de Tharsys
Sierra Norte
DO Valencia
Celler Del Roure
Cherubino Valsangiacomo
Rafael Cambra
Vinos de Pago
Chozas Carrascal
El Terrerazo
Los Balagueses
Vera de Estenas

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