Adegas Guímaro

Sanmil 43, 27425 Brosmos, Lugo, España

Notable Producers
All - DO Ribeira Sacra
Adegas Guímaro is one of the most well-known Ribeira Sacra producers outside of Galicia. Located in the village of Sober in the Amandi subzone of DO Ribeira Sacra, the Rodríguez family were founding members of DO Ribeira Sacra in 1996 and named their winery Guímaro (rebel, in Galician) after a popular nickname for current winemaker Pedro Rodriguez’s grandfather. Pedro took over the business in 2001, and after meeting Raúl Pérez he incorporated new techniques like whole-cluster fermentation and aging wines in foudres. Guímaro owns around 8 hectares of vineyards and also buys grapes from local vine growers. They make two entry-level wines sourced from a mixture of plots in Amandi as well as some single-vineyard reds, all of which are blends of Mencía and other traditional varieties like Caíño Tinto, Sousón, Brancellao, and Merenzao.
Flagship Wines
Guimaro Ribeira Sacra Mencia
Guimaro Blanco
Guimaro Camiño Real
Guimaro Finca Meixeman Ribeira Sacra Mencia
Guimaro Finca Pombeiras
Guimaro Finca Capelinos