Bodegas Martín Códax

Burgáns, 91, 36633 Vilariño, Cambados, Pontevedra, Pontevedra, España

All - DO Rías Baixas
Martín Códax is the most important co-op in Galicia, encompassing over 270 members and 300 more families from whom it buys grapes. The winery was founded in 1985 by 50 winegrowers who saw the potential of Albariño as a grape and banded together to make wine. They took the name of Martín Códax, a Galician troubadour from the mid-13th century who composed original songs in the medieval Galician-Portuguese language. Now, the winery processes over 5 million kilos of grapes each year with a production of around 3.5 million liters and an export presence in 40 countries.
Flagship Wines
Bodegas Martín Códax Rías Baixas Albariño
Bodegas Martín Códax Rías Baixas Albariño Lias
Bodegas Martín Códax Rías Baixas Albariño Organistrum
Burgáns Albariño
Bodegas Martín Códax Mara Martin Godello
Bodegas Martín Códax Mara Moura Godello
Terras do Cigarrón Godello