Aragón Wine Map

Last updated: February 5, 2024

About this Map

This map provides a comprehensive view of the wine regions in Aragón, Spain, delineating both the Denominaciones de Origen (DO) and Vino de la Tierra (VT), also known as Indicación Geográfica Protegida (IGP). The DO designation signifies wines of high quality produced in specified regions, while VT/IGP represents wines with a geographical indication for broader areas that still maintain certain quality standards. Additionally, it indicates areas producing the celebrated DO Cava and the exclusive Vino de Pago. This map serves as an essential guide for the Spanish Wine Scholar® program, regarded in the industry for its in-depth focus on Spanish wines.

Aragon Wine Map by Wine Scholar Guild

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The Spanish Wine Scholar® program is the industry's most respected certification on the wines of Spain with thousands of global graduates.

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