old vines

Old Vines: Solutions for the Future

WSG is proud be the first Educational Partner of The Old Vine Conference. Read more to find out how this dynamic non-profit organization is actively creating a global network of old-vine disciples while raising awareness through education.  The economic and social relevance of old vines is real, but the structure of the global wine industry stacks the odds against the regenerative commercial viability of old vines. The result is that healthy old vineyards of cultural resonance and unique qualitative potential are lost because they can’t be made to pay.  The Old Vine Conference is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to bring together a global network to create a new category for wine from heritage vineyards. The Old Vine Conference works to safeguard old vines of cultural and ecological value by connecting, educating and inspiring the global wine industry through conferences, research, partnerships, tastings and fieldtrips.

Old Vines: The Preservation of Fire

Summary: We are delighted to be joined by three esteemed guardians of these incredible important pieces of living history from our specialist regions of France, Spain and Italy. Moderated by our Membership Manager Justin Martindale MW, this webinar will discuss the various factors involved in curating these unique vineyards, covering a broad range of topics, including: The relevance of low yielding vines The quality of the wines produced by old

The Old Vine Conference: a Global Movement

WSG is proud be the first Educational Partner of The Old Vine Conference. Read more to find out how this dynamic non-profit organization is actively creating a global network of old-vine disciples while raising awareness through education.