PODCAST: Pascaline Lepeltier MS's Loire with Andrew Jefford... really good schist!

PODCAST: Pascaline Lepeltier MS's Loire with Andrew Jefford... really good schist!

Pascaline Lepeltier, MS, discusses the itinerary for the upcoming WSG Study Trip to her native Loire.

In this podcast interview with Decanter's Andrew Jefford, Pascaline discusses the Loire’s best and brightest…all of which happen to be estate visits on the upcoming five-day journey she'll be leading students on in October. 

Pascaline’s insider perspective coupled with Andrew Jefford’s insightful commentary make a valuable listen for serious wine students or professionals looking to more deeply understand the Loire-past and present.

The two cover the length of the Loire and all the hot topics in the span of 36 minutes.

AUDIO: Download Pascaline Lepeltier with Andrew Jefford

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Julien Camus

Founder & President @ Wine Scholar Guild

Julien worked as Trade Attaché for wines and spirits at the French Embassy in Washington DC (2004-2006). In this role, he recognized the need for French wine education as a means to spur consumer demand and interest in his country’s wines.

To that end, he founded the Wine Scholar Guild in August of 2005,an organization dedicated to the promotion of French wine and culture through education. Julien invited national importers of French wine to join the organization as Industry Members and 25 key French wine importers did so immediately.

After leaving the embassy, he has devoted his energies to developing the Wine Scholar Guild and its network of program providers around the globe. Julien holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration with a major in International Marketing from the Strasbourg Management School.

In 2019, Julien was one of the "Future 50" award winners, an award created by WSET and IWSC to acknowledge professionals under 40 who have made a significant contribution to the industry.

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