Italian native varieties

Vitovska native Italian white grape

Native Italian grape varieties saved from near-extinction!

A number of Friuli’s native varieties were rescued from the brink of disappearance. Let us introduce you to Vitovska and Pignolo. Vitovska: The name of this white grape variety is of clear Slavic origin, but it is generally considered to be a native variety of both eastern Friuli and Slovenia, as it was historically only cultivated in Carso (in the province of Trieste) and in Slovenia.

WSG Live: Andrew Jefford Hosts Ian D'Agata

Summary: Our sixth edition of WSG Live features the wine scholar and author Ian D'Agata! Guest: Ian D'Agata Ian D'Agata is a wine scholar like no other.  He initially studied medicine (at four universities including Rome, Harvard and Montreal in his native Canada) and worked in