White wines from Friuli’s hillsides
Maurizio Broggi
Tasting & Trends

Collio (or Collio Goriziano)
DOC Collio’s vineyards date back to pre-Roman times; they were of renown then and are held in high esteem now. Their impressive whites are considered the finest in Friuli and are among the finest in Italy.
The word collio means “hillside” and true to its name, this appellation is comprised of a succession of rounded, south-facing slopes. The soils consist of alternating layers of sandstone and calcareous marl (Flysch of Cormons). Due to the steepness of these hills, harvest is carried out by hand. In terms of vineyard area and production, Collio is the third-largest DOC in Friuli. More than 80% of Collio’s total production is white.
Several historic winegrowing sub-zones lie within the Collio DOC and are recognized for high-quality wines. Although these sub-zones are not officially recognized by DOC law, they have equity among consumers. Among the most well-known are Capriva, Oslavia and San Floriano del Collio. (Oslavia is considered the historic home of Ribolla Gialla, and some of the best examples are produced here.)
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