Food and Wine Pairing
Come explore the fundamental principles of food and wine pairing in a webinar that is guaranteed to take you from ingénue to expert in less than 60 minutes!
Why does Chateau Haut-So-Good taste oh-so-bad with certain dishes? What cosmic combinations transform ordinary meals into religious experiences?
There ARE rules and most are absolute (despite the “drink-what-you-like-with-whatever-you-like” advocates). In this webinar, we’ll address the key match-making tenants that make both wine and food shows to the best advantage. And once we discuss the rules, we’ll learn how to bend them.
Presenter: Lisa M. Airey, WSG Education Director
Lisa M. Airey, FWS, CWE has thirteen years of experience selling wine at the wholesale level and in training both sales force and wait staff.
She sat on the Board of Directors for the Society of Wine Educators from 1998 to 2004 and co-chaired their Corporate Wine Training Committee which authored and edited the first SWE Certified Specialist of Wine Study Guide.
She currently serves as Director of Education for the Wine Scholar Guild. In this capacity, Lisa is responsible for designing the programs' structure, creating and updating all study materials, teaching materials and exams. She also coordinates instructors on our online study programs as well as oversees all educational aspects of our immersion study trips to France.